Fire safety logbook

What is a Fire safety logbook? What should it record?

A Fire safety logbook put simply is a record/ log of anything and everything that relates to fire safety in a building. It must be kept up to date (Normally by the premises management).  The Fire safety logbook records details such as the date, time, and the reason the alarm sounded.  This includes false alarms, performed weekly tests and fire drills.  It records details of any fires and any injuries as a result of the fire. The device that has activated is recorded.

A logbook is a formal record of fire safety. It should be treated as such. A formal logbook specifies the requirements of information to record, therefore a standard notebook is not deemed suitable.

Competent installers of fire alarm systems provide a Fire safety logbook when they commission a fire alarm system and leave the record on site. They will also advise you on how to best use the document when they hand over the system. Any certified, 3rd party company will appear on a register such as the FIA website, proving their competency.

An important consideration is, where the fire logbook is stored. The bottom of a desk drawer is not a suitable place. The logbook needs to be kept to hand, so it can be updated regularly with fire drills, fire alarm tests or false alarms.

It is advisable to keep the logbook in a lockable location, close to the fire alarm panel. Lockable fireproof boxes are available for storage. Ensuring the logbook is not moved in error.

Fire Safety logbook

The alarm panel displays a green light indicating all is well with the system. Any other LED’S that are lit will be showing faults, tests, disablements, or a true fire. All of these events should be logged as a record.

Treating your fire safety system, as a critical part of your business is very important. It is recommended that each week a test is performed on the system. The activation should be from different manual call points each time and recorded in the logbook accordingly with specific details. Continually testing one call point does not give a true picture of the systems health. This is especially important for large systems with multiple devices, to ensure they are all tested.

In other words, the weekly testing is not a replacement for professional maintenance from a competent 3rd party certified company. The professional maintenance regime ensures all components of the fire system are tested over a 12-month period. (Often completed at 6 monthly intervals, 50% at a time).The maintenance inspections by a competent provider are also recorded in the fire safety logbook. The frequency of these inspections can vary according to the individual premises risk assessment.

Similarly, it is of upmost importance that staff take the fire safety system seriously and remain vigilant. Changes in the system like frequency of false activations or noise level changes must be reported to the premises management quickly, along with being recorded in the fire safety logbook.

There’s a clear pattern in the information we are giving – record everything in the logbook, comprehensive records show the commitment made at a premises to their fire safety if needed.

Your fire safety system is there for protection of premises and property, it should be taken seriously and become part of your routine to ensure it is healthy.

In conclusion, fire safety systems save property and lives.

Our staff are trained, knowledgeable and qualified professionals within the fire industry and as we offer all fire related services, we can take this worry from you. We offer Fire Risk assessments, weekly testing regimes along with Fire alarm installation, maintenance, and servicing services. This gives you the piece of mind that your fire safety is taken care of and that your responsibilities have been fulfilled. Contact us today to find out more

Our group of companies offer unrivalled coverage throughout the UK and Ireland

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